Nelson Point Portrait of a Northern Gold Rush Town

Total Votes: 851 / Interest: 388336
"In a sense, this thorough history allows Nelson Point to speak for itself. Painstakingly researched contemporary diaries, journals, letters and other accounts, along with government and public statistics, provide the foundations for the volume.
Twenty-six colorful chapters provide intimate details of life in Nelson Point throughout its existence. Helpful appendices include integral statistics, such as Mining Locations and excerpts from the Register of Mines and Minerals, as well as exotic artifacts of the time, such as 'Cock Fighting Rules.'" Author David Matuszak has painstakingly researched every crevice, crack and eddy for material and historical information on this once thriving mining camp, for a time labeled, "The wickedest place on earth."
Soft cover, 254 pages, appendices, bibliography, index and 49 rare illustrations.
Made In USA